Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Busy Social Life Keeps Aging Minds Sharp
Thursday, November 18, 2010
How Asthma Affects Healthy Lifestyle
One parent might wonder just how severe the asthma of their child is. In such a case, it is usually best to actually ask the doctor. Moderate cases of this condition can be put under firm control through the regular use of inhaled corcicosteroids, usually delivered by asthma inhalers. More severe cases can require regular doses of corcicosteroids. The most severe of cases tend to involve the use of long-acting beta2-agonists, which are used to dilute the patient's airways. Children that suffer from severe cases also tend to be advised to learn to avoid that which might trigger an attack, and parents are encouraged to have the appropriate treatments on hand just in case.
With that in mind, what, exactly, can trigger asthma attacks? Well, these attacks can be triggered by a wide variety of allergens, with dust mites, roaches, mold, and cigarette smoke being among the more common ones. Specific allergies sometimes vary from child to child, and testing for them would often be a necessity to determine which ones apply. Note that these may be inherited, and there is usually a good chance that the allergy that triggered asthma in a parent would manifest in the child.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Toddler Adjust to the Presence of a New Baby

1. Give him a “big brother” job.
Your older kid may feel left out now that you have another child to focus on. Instead of pushing him out of the way, include him in caring for the baby. Give him a role like fetching diapers or holding the bath towel when the baby bathes. He can sing the new baby lullabies or even prepare his new sibling’s bed. This way, your older child will feel that he is still part of the family; it’s just that the roles have been changed.
2. Continue bonding with your older kid.
While the younger child definitely needs more of your time, he or she cannot consume all of it. Make use of your free time by bonding with your older child. If you used to bake cookies together, do it. Better yet, find story books about siblings and read it to your toddler. There are also books that teach kids how to be good big brothers or sisters. Make this your when-the-baby-sleeps bonding moment.
3. Acknowledge his feelings.
Babies are cute. Often this quality alone is enough to make adults coo with delight. But this doesn’t usually work for toddlers. Take time to ask your older child how he feels about having a new sibling and respect that. He’ll outgrow it soon enough with attention and love from you. A tip though: Do not force your child to do big brother duties when he’s not yet comfortable about having a new sibling. He’ll come around in time.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
How To Deal With The Blues
Healthy Lifestyle? Experience the blues at one time or another, but that doesn't mean that we deal with it the same way. Everybody has their own way of dealing with the blues. But sadly, some people are just clueless about how to react to depression that they just choose to submit to it.
I, myself, have been through a phase where I just wallowed in my misery. But I found that it didn't do me much good. So, instead of letting the blues overpower me, I chose to stand up and deal with it head on.
Here are some of my tried and tested ways of dealing with depression:
Tell somebody. You can choose to tell a friend, a family member, a significant other, or even a stranger about what is depressing you. You may find that letting it out on a listening ear can be very comforting.
Write it off. Start a journal. Write down what it is about the day that got you depressed. This works perfectly for those times when you think that you cannot tell anybody the reason why you're feeling depressed.
Be creative. Take your expression out on art. Write songs or poetry, something that lets you get your depression out of your system. Put up a blank canvass and start painting your way out of your depression.
Give your mind something else to think about. Get yourself out of bed and start looking for something new to do. It can be a new craft or a new hobby, anything to keep your mind off of the reason you're depressed.
Exercise. Scientifically, exercise helps your body kick depression out of your system. When you exercise, your brain produces endorphins. Endorphins are primarily responsible for having a good mood.
Go straight to the source. Do something to resolve the reason why you're depressed. If you're depressed about your weight, get up and start working out. Moping will not help you lose weight.
Talk to a professional. If you've been feeling depressed for no clear reasons, it would be best to see a counselor or a therapist. Do not take random, chronic bouts of depression lightly because it may already be something serious.
Keep in mind that no problem gets solved on its own. If the source of your depression is something workable, don't waste time sulking on the corner. Face it head on.
How To Handle Everyday Stress
Living a healthy lifestyle is difficult to find when you are stress all the time. Are you stress with your daily life? Stress is all around us. Everywhere we go, everything we do, and everybody we know can cause us stress in different ways. A lot of people will say that
their stress is becoming too much to handle, that they're just about ready to explode, or that they're getting to the point where they want to breakdown. I understand how that feels. I, for one, feel like that sometimes. But personally, I think it's just a matter of handling the different kinds of stress that come your way.
Let's start with the things that stress me out:
Work. Unless you have the power to clone yourself, there are just some tasks that are difficult for you to handle by yourself.
Relationships. Arguments are unavoidable, be it with a family member, a friend, or a significant other.
Responsibilities. There will always be bills that need to be paid, and obligations that need to be fulfilled.
Schedule. There are just those lucky days when you four appointments at once, but you can't ditch any one in particular because they are all equally important.
Now, if I were to take the easy way out, I'd just sit at home and surrender to stress. But that wouldn't be any fun, now, would it? Over the years, I've tried to develop my own way of coping with the various stress that come my way. Here are some tips to cope with different everyday stress:
If you're given a difficult task, allot a specific amount of time for every aspect of the project you've been given. Pace yourself in order to manage the time you've been given.
Never feel shy about asking for help if you know that the amount of time you've been given will not be enough to finish the task if you do it alone. Keep in mind that if you rush to finish the project alone, you might miss on important details that may be essential to the project you're working on.
When in an argument with a loved one, try not to make it a shouting contest. Nothing is ever resolved by raising voices. Try to get your point across in a calm manner. The more you shout in contest with one another, the more stressful the argument is going to be.
To avoid being pressured by monthly obligations like utility bills, do not overspend. When your paycheck comes in, set aside money for the upcoming bills. Budgeting is the key to eliminating bills-related stress.
If your schedule is fully booked, make sure to evenly space appointments. Set aside enough time for traveling in order to ensure that you get to each item in your itinerary on time. Keep in mind that other people's time is just as important as yours.
I've learned to live by these simple guidelines and have proven them effective to keep my life free from stress, or at least keep it to a minimum.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The High Risk Of Having Diabetic Neuropathy
While the cause of diabetes remains to be a mystery, both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise may seem to play important roles. Diabetes can put you at high risk of having nerve pain and damage called diabetic neuropathy. It usually starts as a little numbness in your feet which develops into a full blown problem with walking, working, and leading an active lifestyle. Diabetic neuropathy can also cause major problems with your digestion and sexual response, making it difficult to feel normal body sensations such as the signs of high blood sugar or a heart attack. According to Dace L. Trence, MD, an endocrinologist and director of the Diabetes Care Center at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle, a balanced diet that helps treat nerve pain is really no different than the standard diet advised by the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
ontrolling your blood sugar can protect the health of your nerves and may even help prevent diabetic neuropathy. Since you only visit your doctor every once in a while, and eating is done several times a day, your diabetes diet will obviously have a high impact on your health and well-being.
A balanced diet includes a variety of foods found in the food pyramid, such as carbohydrates (starches), fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy, meat, poultry, fish, and healthy fats. Having a balanced diet keeps your glucose within target levels, controls your weight,and reduces the risk of complications like neuropathy, heart disease, and stroke.
Whether you skip meals or overeat, it will cause the rise and fall of your blood sugar.
Diabetic nerve pain and damage can decrease appetite and make it harder to digest food.
That is why smaller meals spread throughout the day may work better for you. Also, some
diabetes medications are more effective when taken together with regularly scheduled
Since carbohydrates takes more time to digest, they don't affect your blood sugar the way sugars do. Carbohydrates can also fill you up faster, so you're less likely to overeat, and they give you more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Do not be surprised by how small the “official” serving sizes are. The habit of reading food labels can help you find out the real portion sizes for the foods you enjoy. If you double up on a special dish one day, be sure to subtract that from your next day's diet planning.
According to ADA, alcohol is toxic to nerves. It is the job of the liver to clear your body of toxins like alcohol and to convert carbohydrates into blood glucose to be used by your body. Since drinking is bad for your liver, it will hamper its work in levelling out blood sugar from your bloodstream until it the alcohol is cleared. For those who have diabetic neuropathy, drinking may trigger pain, tingling, and other symptoms.
Overweight people can lower blood glucose by losing weight. It does not only give you more energy, it also lightens the load on their feet which may already be sore from nerve pain. Losing weight also lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Anti-Smoking Medication Is A Literal Killer

Monday, November 1, 2010
We’re All Much too Attached towards the Internet

Geeks and computer fans have been “personifying” their gadgets since the whole computer movement started, as a sort of mirror to how some men name their cars. It isn’t unusual to find someone so attached to his computer hardware that he’s actually given “her” a name and a personality. You might even find a few that talk to their hardware the same way you’d expect others to talk to a lover or close friend. Then, there’s the phenomenon known as the Internet, which has even more people unable to leave their computers. However, while naming inanimate objects and joking about how they have personalities is one thing, excessive time spent on the Internet is now considered a completely different thing, according to studies on social health.
Internet addiction has now officially been recognized as a mental disorder, currently being listed in the same category as things like anxiety and depression. Studies on social health have found that the Internet has become the largest temporal sinkhole the world has ever seen, with more and more people spending more and more time on the Internet. The listing and recognition stemmed from reports coming in from Asian countries, which have long ago developed a reputation for being rather connected to the Internet. Not surprising, considering the fact that the Internet economic bubble didn’t so much “burst” in Asia – like it did in the West – as it did “shrink.” The disorder is divided into three sub-categories, which cover excessive gaming, sexual preoccupation, and communication and connectivity “issues.”
For the first one, countries like South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are obvious targets. Those countries have populations of players that are substantially larger than the gaming population such games experience in countries like the US or England. In South Korea alone, the average number of hours spent by the average player playing any given game is about 23 hours a week. South Korea, along with Japan, has experienced the problem of students and young employees literally dropping everything – social and professional lives included – to spend more time playing games. Studies on social health are confident that the numbers in the US are similar, though they are much harder to accurately obtain. Time spent on the Internet in Asian countries is logged in rental cafes for the most part, while Western gamers prefer to do their playing from home. Of course, the case is slightly different when it comes to pornography, the second sub-category listed above.
It is arguable whether or not pornography is harmful or mundane, but it is difficult to argue with the industry’s financial success. The Internet trade in adult materials is particularly large, taking in billions of dollars worth of revenues every year. That alone serves as enough proof that a lot of people are spending a lot of time and money looking for pornography on the Internet, where it is more readily available than it would be on the street. However, numbers outside of the ones provided by looking at the profits of pornographic websites can be difficult to obtain. Reluctance, shame, and many other social and cultural factors can make it impossible to get an accurate number from surveys and statistical studies.
It gets even worse when one looks at the most mundane aspect of the three: communication. E-mails, instant messages, message boards, and social networking sites are the activities and areas where people on the Internet spend the most of their time. They are also easily the most addicting aspect of the Internet, as the environment creates a paradoxical situation where people are allowed to voice out their most controlled, innermost natures while still remaining relatively safe from any true scrutiny. While they have been found to be beneficial for those with anxiety, for those who do not, addiction can be a risk. It doesn’t help that denial and obliviousness tend to go hand-in-hand with this problem.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Rest More Closely Associated with Weight Loss And Weight Gain
This is definitely, like a lot of issues based on weight reduction and own fitness, a matter associated with balance. Not sleep enough can decrease the metabolic process, burning fewer calories despite the presence of the identical sustained a better standard of physical action. However, sleeping an excessive amount can also decrease the metabolism considering that body wants fewer nutrients to use while in the sleeping express. Recently, there was a study on whether the right level of sleep intended for keeping excess weight off been around, supposedly fueled by problems based on preventing morbid obesity.
According on the study, it presents itself that the volume of hours slept did are likely involved in whether the man experienced weight loss or extra weight. The facts showed this getting only six hrs of rest contributed to be able to someone developing or holding onto weight. The effect was found for being more evident the less sleep anybody got. The same appeared to utilize those of you that slept pertaining to about eight hours or higher in one night.
The info was acquired by asking folks to adjust their taking a nap habits, rather than any other tasks of their everyday life. The eight-hour variety, which is almost certainly the recommended volume of sleep that the average person should get, appears to bring about the ability to not retain too much weight, though whether it probably have more lead benefits for weight-loss is not known.
The analysis also identified some fascinating correlations. Such as, the people that were the best active although slept the smallest amount had the increase of 58% inside their chances involving retaining unwanted weight. Those that rested well longer, despite preserving a comparable a better standard of physical task, fared poorer, with the average of regarding 94% analysts retaining in addition to gaining excess fat. Energy absorption and metabolic premiums were noted to get similar through the whole collection, thus minimizing the chances of several biological aspects corrupting the info one approach or a further. However, the analysis does employ a few glaring flaws.
Such as, there appeared to be no attempt to record whether any of the participants have any weight loss or sleep-related disorders in the present or earlier. Such info could easily have experienced an effect on the results. There have also been questions regarding the volume of test content, which may be cited as being too small to make a viable method to obtain data. On the other hand, it offers prompted some researchers taking a closer seek out the association between slimming, weight get, and sleep patterns.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Colic: Providing Relief for You and Your Baby
Colic is often defined as crying for more than three hours a day which occurs over the course of three days a week for more than three weeks in an otherwise healthy baby. Colic often starts a few weeks after birth and may likely last until your baby is three months of age. While the condition is temporary, it can be quite distressing for you and your baby. It can result in many late nights, stress, and anxiety. Having a colicky baby also contributes to the number of new mothers who suffer from postpartum depression. Save your baby and your sanity from the incessant crying by learning how to prevent and soothe colic attacks:
Feed your baby. Feeding can soothe a colicky baby. Giving your baby small but frequent feedings can be helpful in stopping the crying episodes. Burp your baby often since gas can make your baby uncomfortable and induce another round of incessant crying.
Offer a pacifier. Sucking is a soothing activity for many babies. Use this knowledge to your advantage and give your baby a pacifier to soothe him especially if he cries to close to feeding time.
Cuddle. Cuddling helps some babies. Most stop crying when they are held closely and swaddled in a lightweight blanket. Try a baby sling, backpack, or other type of baby carrier if your arms ache from carrying your baby.
Rock your baby. Gently rock your baby in your arms or lay your baby tummy down on your knees and then sway your knees slowly. Take a walk with your baby or buckle your baby in the car seat for a drive. These actions can distract your baby from whatever it is that induce the crying bout.
Hum a lullaby. Soft tunes can help soothe your baby's frazzled nerves – and yours too. They can keep you calm and help pass the time while you are waiting for your baby to settle down.
Use white noise. Some babies cry less when they hear steady background noise. Turning on a fan or playing a tape or CD can do the trick.
Employ heat or touch therapy. Give your baby a warm bath. Softly massage your baby, especially around the tummy when he starts acting up.
Give your baby some private time. If nothing else seems to work, a brief timeout might help. Put your baby in his or her crib for five to 10 minutes.
Consider dietary changes. If you breast-feed, see if eliminating certain foods from your own diet – such as dairy products, citrus fruits, spicy foods or drinks containing caffeine — has any effect on your baby's crying. If you use a bottle, a new type of bottle or nipple might help.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
UTI: A Guide For Women

1. Watch out for symptoms.
Some of the most common symptoms include a strong, persistent urge to urinate, blood in the urine, cloudy, strong-smelling urine, and a burning sensation. Presence of bacteria in your urine is also an indication of an ongoing infection.
2. Go on antibiotics.
If you are in good health, antibiotics are enough to fight off urinary tract infections. Follow your doctor's orders regarding your prescription. Going overboard with antibiotics can lead you to develop a resistance to it. This can give you trouble if you need antibiotics in the future.
3. Make home remedies work for you.
Drinking plenty of water can help relieve the incontinence the infection causes. Water also helps to dilute your urine and helps flush out bacteria. Coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks can irritate your bladder and tend to aggravate your frequent or urgent need to urinate.
-Tin Gonzaga
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Two Programs to Help You Quit Smoking

Smoke Away is a smoking cessation support program that includes a unique variety of traditional herbs that can help maintain your sense of health and well-being while breaking your smoking habit. It uses an all natural medicine range which helps ease cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Along with all of these, it also provides an audio support program that helps in reinforcing your decision to quit and keep you motivated.
Online Stop Smoking Program
Most people smoke due to physical and emotional stress caused by career and personal life demands. Online stop smoking programs are Internet-based smoking cessation programs that aim to guide smokers in quitting by providing information on health benefits, tips, and guidelines. Two primary examples are the Quit for Life Program and the SmokerAID program.
-Tin Gonzaga
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Getting Pain Off Your Back
1. You spend most of your time sitting.
Sitting puts 40% more pressure on your back and spine than standing. Take the edge of back pain by taking regular standing breaks. Walk around during lunch break or pop over to your colleague's cubicle instead of using IM. Taking a break from sitting can help reduce back pain.
2. You do crunches way too often.
A strong core makes for stronger back. But doing crunches way too often may actually cause you back pain. Just include crunches in a broader and varied routine. It also helps if you observe proper technique and do it sparingly.
3. Your purse is enormous.

Carrying everything in your purse is bad for your back. Your body elevates the shoulder carrying the bag, which throws your spine off-kilter. Doing this every day can cause back muscles to ache over time. Divide your stuff into two bags or carry only stuff that you really do need for the day.
-Tin Gonzaga
Monday, April 5, 2010
Stock Your Cart with Health
Low-fat popc

Whole grain cereal
Whole grain cereal is a nourishing start to your day. Choose a whole-grain bran cereal packed with fiber such as raisin bran or bran flakes. Add fruit and low-fat milk for the most nutritious start to your day.
Real fruit juice
If you find it hard to eat fruits, real fruit juice is the next best thing to whole fruit. Pick those labeled as real fruit juice or 100% juice. Anything less is likely to contain additional sugars that your body does not need.
Vegetarian pre-packaged food items
Look for frozen meals that feature lean protein, plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and a low-fat or simple sauce. Hummus dips, stuffed pita pockets, grilled chicken, and pickled vegetables are just some of your delicious choices.
-Tin Gonzaga
Don't Fall into a Stress Mess
But stress is not without negative side effects. In excess:

1. Stress can make you look old.
Stress damage to DNA is the culprit behind wrinkles, gray hair, and diseases that can shorten your lifespan by speeding up the rate by which you age.
2. Stress can be counter-productive in excess.
Doing important things that require careful thinking, planning, and analysis in a short time can make your work shoddy. In addition, you may miss important details and botch up what should have been a good job.
3. Stress can cause muscle pain.
Stress - due to the presence of adrenaline - can make your muscle taut, rigid, and tense.
-Tin Gonzaga
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Breast Cancer: 6 Habits that Reduce Your Risks
1. Work out regularly. A study by the British Medical Journal found out that 30 minutes of regular exercise daily significantly reduces breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.
2. Drop pounds. Obese women double their risk of breast cancer compared to women of healthy weight. Excessive fatty tissues contribute to breast cancer, so it's best to keep fit and maintain a healthy weight.
3. Take Vitamin D. A recent study states that women who are Vitamin D-deficient have 94% increased risk of cancer.
4. Limit alcohol. Women who drink at least one to two servings of alcohol daily are more likely to develop breast cancer than women who don't drink.
5. Skip long-term hormone therapy. Long-term use of HT can increase breast cancer risk according to the Women's Health Initiative. New research shows the heightened risk persists several years after you stop.
6. Do self-exams. Be aware of your body so you can spot changes in breast size, presence of lumps, or discoloration.
-Tin Gonzaga
Monday, March 22, 2010
Clean Home = Healthy Life
1. Make the beds. This house cleaning tip is essential to do when you first wake up. Ask oth

2. Address the critical tasks in the bathroom. The most efficient way to perform this is to find a durable cloth. Use it to clean mirrors then use it to wipe the bathroom counter top, sink, and faucet. Spray the tub and shower area including the curtain liner with daily after shower spray to prevent soap scum and mildew. Wipe the toilet seat and rim, then use a brush to clean the toilet bowl.
3. Pick up as you go. Throughout the day (or evening) as you go from room to room, remove items from the floor such as toys, books, newspapers and put them in their appropriate place. Encourage all household members to get in the habit of doing this as they leave a room.
-Tin Gonzaga
Friday, March 12, 2010
Cut 100 Calories From Your Meals Effortlessly

Cook using a non-stick pan and cooking spray.
Your food will still taste good without the added fat from butter or oil.
Use whole grain or multi-grain breads for sandwiches.
Using whole or multi-grain breads for sandwiches ups your fiber intake.
Add lettuce, pickles, onions, and tomatoes in your burger instead of cheese.
Vegetables add flavor, crunch, and zest to your burger without adding fat.
Split a sandwich or bagel.
Splitting a sandwich or bagel can save you half the calories.
Order your pizza with half the cheese and more vegetable topping.
Ask for more vegetable topping - you get the flavor sans the cloying cheesy taste.
-Tin Gonzaga
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Healthy Lifestyle: Be Happy!

1. Give and share.
Call it karmic pay-off, but it is the giver that benefits more from the giving than the receiver. It is truly better to give than to receive. One study found out that people who volunteered for two or more organizations are 44% less likely to die early compared with those who didn't. Volunteering even beat out exercising four times a week (30%) and going to religious services (29%) when it came to promoting longevity.
2. Rejuvenate your spirit.
Whether it is a coffee break, reading a funny comic or watching a feel-good movie, rejuvenating your spirit goes a long way in making you healthy. This quick routine can help you hit the reset button on body, mind, and spirit. It also keeps stress at bay and makes you more productive.
-Tin Gonzaga
Friday, February 26, 2010
Stop Heart Disease Before It Starts

Catch heart disease before it starts by undergoing these tests periodically:
Sleep test. Sleep deprivation causes stress and stress harms your heart by making it work doubly hard. Even when you are just mildly sleep deprived, it can cause your body to release stress hormones that constrict your arteries and cause inflammation.
Undergo a sleep and stress test to gauge how stressed and sleep-deprived you are. The more stressed and sleep-deprived you are, the worse for your heart.
Fingertip test. A recently developed test called an EndoPAT can painlessly measure the health of your blood vessels. This finger test is so beneficial because the arteries in your heart (your coronary arteries) react to stress the same way blood vessels in your arm react to constriction of the blood pressure cuff. The health of your circulation system is a contributing factor in heart disease.
- Tin Gonzaga
Monday, February 22, 2010
3 Steps To Lowering Cholesterol

1. Practice portion control. You eat foods that are low in cholesterol all you want, but it won't work if you don't follow portion control. Too much of a good thing can still spell disaster. Hence, eating a bowlful of nuts in one go is not advised. Stick to a handful of nuts and palm-sized serving of lean meat.
2. Load up on the fiber. Fiber is not only great for keeping you regular, it's also good for flushing out excess fat. Excess fat clings to fiber on the way out of your system. So load up on oats and produce.
3. Take up with tuna. Tuna, salmon, and other fatty fish are rich in Omega-3, a heart-boosting fatty acid. So if you need the protein, go for tuna.
-Tin Gonzaga
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Signs You're Going to Live Long

You have a trim stomach after menopause. If you can still sport a bikini and get appreciative looks at your tummy after menopause, you have nothing to worry about. Studies show that women who measure 35 inches or more before and after menopause have increased risks of diabetes and heart problems.
You eat berries all the time. Berries are rich in antioxidants that repair damaged cells and fight free radicals. Eating berries ensures that you reduce your risk of dying from heart disease by 17% and boost your immune system as well.
-Tin Gonzaga
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Grow Smarter as You Get Older

Stay social. Look up old friends and meet with them. Attend reunions or join clubs. Staying social provides your brain with added stimulus - making it more active and able to retain more memories.
Keep calm. Bad vibes - anxiety, stress, negative emotions - can age your brain. Allow yourself time during the day for calming activities to help your brain recharge.
Use your brain. The more use your brain gets, the better it will be. Engage in activities that challenge your thinking and mental faculties. Solve a puzzle, complete a crossword, do number games, or read. Engaging in a hobby like playing an instrument or drawing can also help.
-Tin Gonzaga
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Why Switch to Soy

Due to it's versatility, soy products have more to offer than just soy sauce and tofu. Soy products now span the range of soy milk - a healthier and lactose-free milk substitute that is just as delicious as dairy milk - and meat substitutes like tempeh, veggie burgers, and others. There are even processed cheeses made from soy milk.
Now that soy products are more palatable, more people can benefit from the isoflavones and proteins they have. Some studies suggest that soy products maybe beneficial for reducing menopausal symptoms and the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. A study of the possible relationship between dietary soy and the prevention of hormone-related cancers - breast, ovary, prostate, and endometrial cancers - are also promising.
-Tin Gonzaga
Monday, February 8, 2010
Greening Up Your Kitchen Space

* Pick healthy cookware. Generally, look for quality cookware. Paying a higher price for them ensures that you don't get scraps of paint or bits of lead into your food. It is also best to use appropriate cookware when cooking certain dishes. For example, iron cookware reacts with acidic food, so it's a no-no to cook tomatoes or other dishes with vinegar or wine in it.
* Opt for cloth napkins. Paper napkins maybe cheaper - but they also use up more paper, are not reusable, and more prone to contamination during manufacture and packaging. Go with cloth napkins that you can wash.
* Go for local produce. Less travel for your goods means less chances of contamination, less use of gas, fuel, and other energy sources. A plus: you even help your own local farmers and are able to eat fresher food.
-Tin Gonzaga
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How to Flourish Despite Hot Flashes
Weight loss. If you are overweight, losing excess pounds can help relieve symptoms of hot flashes. But stick to 30 minutes of aerobic exercises daily - more than that and you are looking at another episode of hot flashes.
Relaxation techniques. Hot flashes often come when you are agitated or stress. Get zen with rhythmic breathing by taking deep and slow breaths until you ease the stress out of your system. Relaxing also helps stave further hot flash episodes. It is also best if you avoid highly charged and emotional situations.
Lifestyle changes. There are some habits that can trigger an episode of hot flashes if you do not take care. Smoking, eating spicy foods, drinking hot beverages, taking in caffeine, and consuming alcohol are just some of the most common triggers. Using diet pills and indulging in saunas and very hot showers can also contribute to hot flashes.
-Tin Gonzaga
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Three Smells To Sniff For Better Health

If you find yourself craving for a particularly unhealthy food - such as chips or sweets - get a green apple and sniff it. Studies show that sniffing the scent of green apples reduces cravings or the urge to satisfy them. As a bonus, you can also eat the green apple as a snack after your cravings have abated. An oil or perfume scented with apples will work too. Just don't eat it.

Lavender is not the only scent that can calm frayed nerves. The scent of oranges can do it too. Researchers have found out that the scent of oranges can make people calmer and feel less anxious.

If you want help when studying or keeping your mind alert, take a sprig of rosemary. Studies have found out that the scent of rosemary can keep your mind alert and able to retain more information.
-Tin Gonzaga
Friday, January 22, 2010
How Healthy Is Your House?
1. Dust your place regularly. Dusting your home, by means of a dust rug or vacuum, helps get rid of allergens and possible irritants like dust, pollen, and pet dander. If you can, replace carpeting with wood floors for easier clean up and less dust.
2. Check your paint. Paint can contain lead - and when inhaled, lead particles can cause headaches and respiratory irritation. If possible, have your house repainted using lead-free paint for easier breathing.
3. Use natural household cleaners. Many household cleaners contain chemicals and substances that are possibly harmful to your health and that of the environment. To minimize risks, switch to natural cleaners like baking soda and lemon juice for a cleaner and healthier home.
-Tin Gonzaga
Monday, January 18, 2010
Healthy Switches to Make for Your Diet
Switching and introducing a healthier food item at a time into your diet will allow you to better appreciate their nutritional values and stick to the changes. Here are some switches to try:

Sweet potatoes can give you the same comfort of white spuds, but with more health benefits. Roast, bake, mash, or boil them for a flavorful and colorful side dish with a load of vitamins A and C.
2. Walnuts rather than croutons
If you like a bit of crunch in your salad, opt for walnuts instead of croutons. Walnuts are rich in good fat and are also a good source of protein. They are also crunchier and tastier.

You don't have to give up your chocolate addiction. Just switch to dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Dark chocolates have antioxidants called flavonoids as opposed to the added sugar milk chocolate had.
-Tin Gonzaga
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dealing With Teens Mood Swings
There are a number of things that parents need to understand and deal with about their teenagers. One of these is none other than teens' mood swings. All teens tend to become so moody during their teenage years. Parents can go nuts trying to understand their teens' rocky mood swings. They may feel happy and active one day, the next day they feel lonely and upset.
The crazy and sometimes in explainable mood swings of your teens can definitely affect the rest of your family. What you should do is to come up with ways on how to best understand and deal with situations when your teenagers are in their usual moody fits.
Below are some tips that can help you in dealing with your teens' ever-changing moods:
1. Talk with them.
Communication is a must in all types of relationships, including parents to children bond. Hence, it is a must for you to regularly talk to your teens for this will help you find out about their feelings and how they are doing at school. By talking to your teenagers, they will see that you care and show interest in how they are. Always keep an open communication between you and your teens. In time, you'll see that they will open up with you more often.
2. Listen to them.
Of course when you talk to your teenagers, you also need to listen to them. It is not good when you only talk and not listen on what your teens have to say. By listening well to your teens while they are talking to you, you will get to understand what triggers their mood swings as well as help them deal with their changing moods. Hence, always and always lend an open ear to your teens whenever they want to talk to you.
3. Support them.
Generally, teens are moody whenever they feel like something is not working the way they planned or someone or something is going their way. In this situation, it is best to show your teenagers that you are always there to support them. Do not give them advise, only if they ask for it. When you are truly supportive of your children, this can surely lessen their mood swings.
4. Give them space.
Another helpful way to deal with your teens mood swings is to simply give them space. All teenagers need this, for this is their time alone to think about the things or events that triggered their sudden change in mood. Let them wok things out on their own. Also, if they prefer to talk to their friends rather than with you, do not get mad or frustrated. Just let your teens be.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy
You have to stop smoking in order for you and your baby have a good health.
Read some information on how smoking can affect your pregnancy and the unborn baby.
There are some naughty, saying that there are some pregnant women who smoke but still have a healthy baby. This is a wrong thinking I think, Yes they are lucky their babies are made of stronger stuff. But actually, they are the exemption rather than the rule as studies show that there is a great chance that you may not be able to carry the baby to full-term.
Babies of smoking mothers often have breathing problems upon birth especially if they are born earlier than scheduled. Miscarriages are also common among smoking mothers. The stakes are high so why take the risk of losing your baby just for a chance to puff a cancer stick?
Some effects of smoking during pregnancy:
1. The babies of smokers often have low birth weight.
2. Under size babies tend to have underdeveloped bodies.
3. Smoking during pregnancy can have lifelong effects on your baby's brain.
4. A shortage of oxygen can have devastating effects on your baby's growth and development.