If you find yourself craving for a particularly unhealthy food - such as chips or sweets - get a green apple and sniff it. Studies show that sniffing the scent of green apples reduces cravings or the urge to satisfy them. As a bonus, you can also eat the green apple as a snack after your cravings have abated. An oil or perfume scented with apples will work too. Just don't eat it.

Lavender is not the only scent that can calm frayed nerves. The scent of oranges can do it too. Researchers have found out that the scent of oranges can make people calmer and feel less anxious.

If you want help when studying or keeping your mind alert, take a sprig of rosemary. Studies have found out that the scent of rosemary can keep your mind alert and able to retain more information.
-Tin Gonzaga
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