Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Foods That Help With Psychological Disorders

Anxiety and depression are among some of the most common psychological disorders in the United States, maybe even the entire world.

In general, foods rich in the many B vitamins can help with one's mental and physical health. Here are some of them:

Thaimin or vitamin B1

Low thiamin levels in the system can cause restless nerves and irritability, both are symptoms manifested by panic and anxiety disorder sufferers. Eating thiamin-rich foods like tuna, sunflower seeds, and yellow corn can help anxiety sufferers by giving an extra boost of energy, better coordination of the nerves and muscles, and by supporting proper heart function.

Niacin or vitamin B3

Insufficient vitamin B3 in the body has been thought to be connected to clinical depression and anxiety disorders because it helps supports the brain's message relaying system. Eating niacin-rich foods like chicken, salmon, and mushrooms can help keep the brain's neurotransmition system in proper working order, not to mention help in converting fat, proteins, and carbohydrates into usable energy.

Vitamin B6

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a low serotonin level in the brain. Vitamin B6 is said to be able to ward off such feelings. Vitamin B6 is a key component to converting tryptophyan, an essential amino acid, into serotonin. By eating vitamin B6-rich foods like bell peppers and bananas, you can be sure that your body produces enough serotonin to keep the sad feelings away.

Vitamin B12
Some studies say that psychological conditions are caused by brain cell degradation. It has also been linked to vitamin B12 deficiency. Eating vitamin B12-rich foods like scallops and snappers, you provide your body with the vitamin it needs to ensure proper development of neurons, thereby avoiding depression and anxiety attacks.

B-vitamin rich foods are not the one food items that can help you combat psychological disorders. To find out more and to better understand how these foods work, it is best to speak to a doctor or a dietitian about it.

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