Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Toast To A Healthier Lifestyle

There are people who drink alcohol occasionally or socially, during special dinners or cocktails. Driking alcohol is not a healthy lifestyle, Others use it to steady their nerves before making that important speech or public appearance. Still others who are suffering from a sleep disorder take a generous amount of alcohol to get themselves that much needed rest and sleep.

Some studies suggest that moderate drinkers tend to live longer and are less likely to suffer heart stroke than those who either abstain or drink heavily. While it is true that moderate alcohol intake offers some benefits, such as longevity and a healthier life, too much alcohol consumption can offset all these potential benefits and lead to serious health conditions such as liver disease, heart attack, pancreatitis, brain atrophy, and miscarriages, among others. This conflicting information could confuse anyone. Indeed, for every benefit of alcohol consumption, there is a matching risk one must take into consideration.

The moderate alcohol drinking standard is about two drinks a day if you're a male under 65 years old, or one drink a day if you're over 65 regardless whether you're a male or female. One drink is equivalent to 12 ounces (oz) of beer, 5 oz. of wine, or 1.5 oz. of 80-proof distilled spirits. The older the person becomes, the slower the body's ability to break down alcohol. This is why adults become intoxicated faster, as well as more prone to alcohol's harmful side effects.

Certain health conditions can be made worse by drinking any amount of alcohol. Those who have history of hemorrhagic strokes, liver disease, pancreatic disease, and those with evidence of pre-cancerous stages in the esophagus, larynx, pharynx, or mouth must never take any alcohol. People with a family history of alcoholism are at higher risk of becoming alcoholics themselves. Most importantly, women must avoid alcoholic drinks at all cost during pregnancy. as this will put the unborn baby at risks.

Moreover, alcohol intake may interact with over-the-counter sleeping pills, antibiotics, antidepressants, pain relievers, diabetes medications, antihistamines, anticoagulants, anti-seizure medications, and beta blockers, among other many common prescription medications. That is why the Food and Drug Administration requires all over-the-counter pain relievers and fever reducers to carry a warning label advising those who consume three or more alcohol drinks a day to consult with their physicians first before taking the drug.
Drinking alcohol can help a person feel a little bit relaxed or anxious because alcohol is a depressant. It slows the function of the central nervous system and blocks some of the messages trying to get to the brain, affecting perception, emotion, movement, vision, and hearing. Too much alcohol will result in intoxication, making a person lose coordination and affect even his speech. It also slows down a person's reflexes and reactions, making driving a dangerous activity for someone who is intoxicated.

Some people may not realize it, but too much alcohol, like drug use, can develop into abuse, and even addiction, which may become a problem for them and those around them. Without you knowing it, you may have been influencing even the young people to use alcohol when they are not yet of age.

To drink or not to drink alcohol is a question only you and your physician can answer. Very few health care professionals would advise non-drinkers to drink alcohol for the sake of a healthier condition. However, if you are a moderate drinker and manage to maintain great health, there is no pressure to stop, but always remember to drink responsibly.

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