Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Your Aging Parents

Some parents are afraid to get old, aging parents can be very difficult. Daughters and Son's are eases troubles by keeping a record of definite information regarding and concerning parent's health. Aging or getting old can be very difficult for your parents especially if they have always been independent. As a responsible daughters and son to your aging parents, caring for your aging parents is very important. Be sure to be patient and know the following details in case a medical emergency arises and they can save precious time and speed up treatment:

* Information about Lifestyle habits. Smoking, living on a diet high in cholesterol and sodium, and drinking can all influence your parents' health. If you have any knowledge of pertinent lifestyle habits that can affect treatment, be sure to inform the attending physician.

* Information about Birth dates. Often medical records and insurance information are cataloged according to birth date. This can improve communication in an emergency or a crisis. This is also very critical since a lot of treatment procedures and medications nowadays are age-specific. If you do not know your parents' exact age, at least you can figure it out using their birth dates. Keep this information handy by writing it down on a note card or recording it in your phone.

* Information on Major medical problems. This includes such conditions as diabetes or heart disease as these can interfere with the possible procedures or medications that can be administered to your parents.

You need to keep a record of the things that being said about in case of medical emergencies. Be updated so that your parents can receive accurate medical treatment, prompt and suitable health condition.

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