Monday, August 11, 2008

Tips on Traveling while on Medication - Healthy Lifestyle Living

In our healthy lifestyle living keeping a medication schedule is hard enough when you have to do it at home, but during travel, it’s an absolute nightmare. If you are like most people, you probably have had to travel at least once while on medication and you know how difficult it can be. Aside from remembering your travel itinerary, you also have to squeeze in your meds. If you need to take several meds at different points during the day, here are some tips that can help you manage your meds schedule easier:

1. Make a meds calendar. I find this really helpful especially if I’ll be away from home for a week or so. Just print out or make a personal calendar inclusive of your travel dates. Aside from your daily agenda, also jot down your medication schedules on the calendar. This way, instead of a being a hassle, your meds become a part of your daily schedule.

2. Get prescription refills before setting out. Visit your local pharmacy or your doctor to get a refill of your prescription meds prior to traveling. This way, you prevent missing out on your meds just because the amount you brought with you isn’t enough. This is especially important if you are using a medication that is not common or popular.

3. I am not saying that this will happen to you, but there have been cases of overdoses and others that are related to medicating while on the road. Just to be sure, make a list of all medications you are using and their purposes. Make several copies and put these in your bag, your glove compartment, and your hotel end table. This way, it’ll be easy for medical personnel to help you even if you are indisposed.

Lastly, never travel without a companion especially if your medications are strong and trigger strong side effects on you. Trust me, it’s hard to drive when you are feeling woozy down the freeway.

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